Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AFK... Finally!

I haven't been out to the stables yet, so I have no new horse sketches... but since I have been rather depressed the past few... months... I decided to go to the zoo. I have some fun new pictures, so I decided to post a bunch here.

This here is a preview. :) Loads of adorable animals, and although it was too fast for me to catch on camera (as well as rather shy) I found out I have a new favorite animal called the serval. Complete awesomeness. I might go back and see if I can catch him when he is not so rowdy. In the meantime, here is a snow leopard.

As I warned... a little bit of adorable going on here. There was also a hippo playing with a ball, and I was amazed at the sheer size and power that it had moving through the water. Look for more images over the next few days.

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