Thursday, July 14, 2011

Getting ready for Africa... but wait!

For the past month now I have been planning and preparing for my humanitarian trip to Uganda. This included things like renewing my passport, spending lots of time in the sun, (I tend to spend much of my time on the computer and am not too used to hot weather anymore) and a 10 day fast I wanted to do for health, and as a start to re-train my stomach to not want as much food. I think American portions are too big, and sometimes get a bit carried away with them. :)

Well, about 4 days into my fast I got word that the volunteer group that I was heading over there with lost a bunch of people (no one died, they just opted out) and a bunch of other things happened that resulted in loss of group rates of air travel and ended up just being canceled outright. I was pretty bummed, but at least I found out before I went in for my pin-cushion worthy number of preventative shots including Malaria, Typhoid, Yellow fever, Hep A, B, C, etc.

Today is day 10 of my fast, and I am excited because TONIGHT, WE DINE... well, I haven't really decided where yet but I get to eat again!